Thursday, March 7, 2013

Giveaways and a Zoo Pictorial.

Next TEN customers will win a surprise giveaway. It will either be a gift certificate or a jewelry surprise. It will be a piece of jewelry of equal value. Gift certificates will range from $5.00 up to $10.00.  I will be giving away 5 Certificates and 5 jewelry pieces.

Now for the zoorific pictorial.  Mark and I took the kids to the zoo about two weeks ago. And I managed to snap a few photo's. Enjoy! 

Jacksonville skyline

I love water views


I drove over this huge bridge alone.. it was a nightmare..

I will never put my kids in a costume again.. He came home with a single lice bug...

1 comment:

moonlitfantaseas said...

it looks like you, Mark and the kids must have had a great time!